Copernicus Publications and the Executive editors of ASCMO thank the following colleagues very much for their work in reviewing the manuscripts published in the journal volume 10, 2024.
- Samuel Baugh
- Federico Castillo
- Dan Cooley
- Marius Egli
- Bin Guan
- Lei Jin
- Nir Krakauer
- Mitchell Krock
- Nicholas Leach
- Seiyon Lee
- Robert Lund
- Reetam Majumder
- Sayantan Mitra
- Anirban Mondal
- Eva Murphy
- Nasser Najibi
- Nadav Peleg
- Jhayron S Pérez-Carrasquilla
- Christian Rohrbeck
- Andrew Schurer
- Francesco Serinaldi
- Ryan Sriver
- Pascal Yiou