Articles | Volume 10, issue 2
22 Jul 2024
 | 22 Jul 2024

Spatiotemporal methods for estimating subsurface ocean thermal response to tropical cyclones

Addison J. Hu, Mikael Kuusela, Ann B. Lee, Donata Giglio, and Kimberly M. Wood

Data sets

Argo float data and metadata from Global Data Assembly Centre (Argo GDAC) Argo

Model code and software

huisaddison/tc-ocean-methods: v0.0.1 (v0.0.1) Addison Hu

Short summary
We introduce a new statistical framework to estimate the change in subsurface ocean temperature following the passage of a tropical cyclone (TC). Our approach combines tools handling seasonal variations and spatial dependence in the data, culminating in a three-dimensional characterization of the interaction between TCs and the ocean. Our work allows us to obtain new scientific insights, and we expect it to be generally applicable to studying the impact of TCs on other ocean phenomena.